nZenchain Protocol: A Dedicated Blockchain That Is Optimized Specifically For DeFi And NFTs.

4 min readMay 24, 2021



Since the start of the year we’ve probably heard more about cryptocurrencies than ever before. It gives participants the liberty to carry their own assets without browsing a bank or another party. While it’s going to appear to be an easy and obvious statement, current systems are faraway from providing financial services that are literally within the control of these who use them.
ZenChain’s mission is to supply people and within the future, machines and devices with seamless access to decentralized finance with special tokens that can’t replace NFT. For that purpose, the team is introducing ZenChain, a fanatical blockchain dedicated to decentralized finance specifically for non-fungible tokens.

What is ZenChain?

The ZenChain Foundation is developing ZenChain, a blockchain specifically dedicated to decentralized financial applications and non-fungible tokens . By focusing on the functionality of the blockchain and dedicating it specifically to DEFI and NFTs, ZenChain provides unparalleled high transaction throughput, reduced risk of errors, and intelligent feature development specifically for the fulfillment of financial services for both fungible token and non-fungible token on the blockchain.

Users are using this technology revolution and that we are seeing huge involvement of individuals that using DeFi and NFTs. There are many platforms with different blockchains that are providing DeFi and NFTs to their users. the matter is that the users need to join of these different platforms to urge access to varied DeFi applications and NTs. it’s really very costly and time consuming for the users to review then join different blockchains and platforms with different smartchains to urge access to DeFi in its full potential. Here come the large problem and little traders and little investors get out from the equation and only the large players with many money are ready to cash in of DeFi and obtain access to varied different NFTs providing platforms.

The Use-Cases of Zen Token

The use cases of ZEN token include but are not limited to: protocol governance, exchange fee value capture, derivative collateralization, liquidity mining, and staking. Further details regarding each of these use cases can be found below.
● Protocol Governance: The ZEN token can be used to govern various components of ZenChain including the futures protocol, exchange parameters, and protocol upgrades via a DAO structure.
● Exchange Fee Value Capture: After the relayer reward distribution, the exchange fee will undergo an on-chain buy-back-and-burn event to accrue value for ZEN.
● Mint, Auction, Rent NFTs: To mint NFTs, or bid in the marketplace, users will use ZEN to bid and pay a fee.
● Collateral Backing for Derivatives: ZEN will be utilized as an alternative to stable coin as margin and collateral for markets. In some futures markets, ZEN can also be used for collateral backing or insurance pool staking where stakers can earn interest on their locked tokens.
● Exchange Participation Incentives: The foundation plans to incorporate a liquidity mining scheme and distribute a fixed number of ZEN tokens daily weighted by the liquidity each network participant provides.
● Tendermint-based Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Security: To ensure the security of ZenChain, ZenChain will incentivize nodes to stake ZEN and participate in the ZenChain network consensus with block rewards.

Token Information

Token Name : ZEN
Token type : BEP20 & ERC20
Issuance price : TBA
Total Token Supply : 100,000,000 ZEN
Initial circ supply : 1,200,000 ZEN
Initial market cap : $360.000
Unsold/Unused token : Burn


My view regarding Zenchain protocol is that it’s a revolution in crypto field. Such a project is required in current time to create a robust and innovative platform to continue the expansion of technology and make sure the well being of community members within the material and spiritual sphere. This project is supported by an experienced, hardworking and innovative team which has best solution for each problem and speed up the expansion of platform. The team goes to is to make IT holding with the powerful and extensive ecosystem, ZenChain allows for running vanilla Ethereum as a Cosmos application-specific blockchain and it’ll be ready to exchange value with the remainder of the Cosmos Ecosystem through the Inter Blockchain Communication Protocol .


Bitcointalk username: hemit9x

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Address: 0xFE292468A27feFdcC3D5d34c409BAE5973f82509

